When you do a query about not having health insurance, you are shamed into feeling you will be miserable for the rest of your life.
Before going into that, I recommend everyone watch this video. It is very accurate as I have known MANY drug reps and doctors who interface with the same over the years. Indeed, they make a very good living, but the job is literally 24/7. Mostly, these reps are miserable because no one can stay on top, and your performance is measured daily - thus, there is tremendous pressure to sell more.
This image shows that the more Americans spend on healthcare, the shorter they live. I've decided to spend LESS - Not MORE!

This chart shows that statin prescriptions INCREASE cardiovascular death. I prefer to DECREASE cardiovascular death!

Let's see what the pundits say!
1. It costs too much.
In reality, you are paying for an audi and getting a broken-down moped.
2. It does not cover all of the health care needs that I have now, or might have in the future
The coding system deliberately covers highest cost drugs and procedures.
According to available data, the average cost of prescription drugs per member per month (PPPM) has been steadily increasing over time, with reports showing an average increase of around 5% annually, translating to a 22.2% rise in prescription drug costs over the past five years; with health plans spending approximately $71.46 PMPM on prescription drugs in 2021.
3. The drug benefit is insufficient on most health care plans.
The drug benefit is OWNED by the health insurance company. Watch the video to see how the health insurance companies triple dip.
4. The process of finding the right health insurance is too complicated.
They all suck, so what difference does it make?
5. I have a specific health issue that was not covered satisfactorily in the past, so I’m not inclined to buy health insurance again.
What percentage can honestly say that their issue was "covered satisfactorily?" I remember that my best friend and cardiologist recommended a drug for arrhythmia, and he called and said Blue Cross overrode his decision. I drove to Blue Cross headquarters and started yelling at everyone. They change the script back. That's what you need to do to get WHAT YOU PAID FOR!
6. I am healthy and do not need health insurance today.
If you are going to walk a tightrope with no net, you will practice until you are confident you won't fall. Do the same with your health.
7. Obama will help me get free insurance.
How did that work out?
According to data from the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), the cost of Obamacare, also known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), has steadily increased over time, with the average family health insurance premium rising significantly since 2013, showing a growth of around 74% between 2010 and 2023
8. I want to wait until health insurance is cheaper.
I like to skate but I'm not counting on hell freezing over.
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Be Bold - Be Brave - Stay Well
What about emergencies such as accidents and injuries?
When I was researching online for info on a then-new to the market drug which my mother's physician was going to put her on for atrial fibrillation, I came across a message board shared by pharmaceutical reps used for their information exchange amongst themselves. The thread I found was focused on sales of this "blockbuster" drug, and it served as a very bitter red pill awakening for me.
Even though I was already aware of the gross deficiencies of the medical industrial mafia, as a former medic and RN in both military service and civilian emergency/trauma settings, what I found struck me like a wave of disorienting stench, akin to the experience of opening a container of what should be…