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H Pylori - Beneficial & Harmful

Writer's picture: Dr. Thomas J. LewisDr. Thomas J. Lewis

Dr. Michele Gamble opened my eyes to consider that even pathogenic organisms also serve a beneficial purpose.

It all made sense once I thought about it. For example, when we die, we start decomposing even though we are no longer interacting with the environment. Thus, organisms are already there. Maybe some organisms that we call pathogenic are there to decompose our bodies when we die (and our immune system now is at 0% function.)

Today, most people have chronic conditions which means their immune systems are over-taxed and, from a longevity perspective, are working at far less than 100%.

Watch this short clip that show how helicobacter pylori, at low concentrations, is helping clean our gut lining. However, if our body doesn't produce enough stomach acid, it can grow out of control and start destroying the lining of the gut. Before industrial toxicity and ultra processed foods, producing adequate stomach acid was not an issue.

As a side note, I have tested for h pylori in thousands of people. Based on antibody levels it is NEVER ZERO - That is, it is always present at low levels. And, in people with digestive issues, the levels of h pylori antibodies are usually (if not always) elevated. This is completely consistent with what Barbard O'Neill is saying in this 9 minute video.

As your waiter or waitress or the person identifying as either normally says - enjoy.

ps: if your waiter or waitress "identified," run - don't walk!


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