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Energy Medicine - Part 1

Writer's picture: Dr. Thomas J. LewisDr. Thomas J. Lewis

This is part 1 of a multi-part series explaining energy medicine. I have written a detailed chapter on energy medicine. Below is the chapter text that relates to the video included in this blog.

If you want to understand health, energy is fundamental. Our bodies are biological, for sure, but the biology is there to drive electricity. Electricity is energy. The only real and useful ongoing source of energy on our small planet is the Sun. In this chapter I show how energy on earth is delivered and how we have adapted in harmony with this energy to be healthy. However, most of us in the west are unaware of the value of energy medicine, what is does, and how it works in harmony with our biology.

What is the best way to obtain an energy medicine treatment? You want some proven method that is safe, effective, and inexpensive, right? You also want to work with a practitioner who is competent and experienced. The solution that meets all these criteria is to go outside and get PLENTY of sunshine. Your practitioner is God.

I laugh (or cry) at the concept of "renewable energy." Why? Because all energy on earth is renewable as it comes from the same source, but just over a variable time window. That fundamental energy source is fusion. Fusion is the process that powers the sun and the stars. It is the reaction in which two atoms of hydrogen combine together, or fuse, to form an atom of helium. The energy produced by nuclear fusion is conveyed from the heart of the Sun by light waves and heat. The light waves are called photons. The earth is separated from the sun by 93,000,000 miles of vacuum. A vacuum is a perfect insulator so the heat generated by fusion on the sun does not cross this vast vacuum to the earth. However, photons contain no mass and DO cross the great divide. We know this because we see the visible light photons and feel the infrared photons as heat.

Thus, there is just one main source of energy on our planet and it is derived from the fusion reaction. The equation for that energy is:

Where M is the mass of the atom and C is the speed of light. There is a tremendous amount of energy contained in every atom as expressed by this equation.

Earth does not make very much energy on its own but does gets the sun's energy through the light that hits our small planet. The equation that defines the energy of light is:

E = h√

Where h is a constant called the Planck’s constant and √ is the frequency of the specific light.

The only way our planet gains energy is by converting light into a workable form of energy is mainly by way of plant photosynthesis. But plants are not the only organisms that absorb energy from the sun. So do you. It happens on your skin, your eyes, your ears and a myriad of other photoreceptors and chromophores. The terms photoreceptors and chromophores are a bit of a naive as essentially all substances interact with light of varied or specific wavelengths. For simplicity, the terms photoreceptor and chromophore are adequate to describe the components of biology most associated with the absorption of the sun's energy. Thus, both plants and us have photoreceptors that can interact with and absorb energy from light. The word photo is short for photon.

Many of us assume that the light is only what we see, that is, visible light. Do you see the oxygen you breathe that drives your metabolism? Of course not. Much of the energy from the sun comes in light energy packets that we DO NOT see. Infrared light carries more than half the energy that reaches earth. Figure 1. below show the wide range of light waves (photons) that come from the sun and hit the earth.

Figure 1. Range of photons (light waves) that come from the sun. The light contains a range of photons with various frequencies. It is the frequency of the light that determines the energy it contains. A single gamma ray has 10,000,000,000,000,000 (10 quadrillion) times more energy compared to a single radio wave.

NASA explains the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum in a tangible way. "The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is the range of all types of EM radiation. Radiation is energy that travels and spreads out as it goes – the visible light that comes from a lamp in your house and the radio waves that come from a radio station are two types of electromagnetic radiation. The other types of EM radiation that make up the electromagnetic spectrum are microwaves, infrared light, ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma-rays."[i]

"You know more about the electromagnetic spectrum than you may think. The image below shows where you might encounter each portion of the EM spectrum in your day-to-day life."

The basic equation for energy explains that as the frequency goes up, so does the energy of the wave. All light, regardless of the energy it carries, travels at the same rate of speed, 300,000 meters per second. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency. Hence, frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional to each other. The number of wave crests passing at a given spot in one second is determined by the wavelength.

Importantly, like the tree falling in the woods which no one to hear, light that does not land on something that can interact with it retains its energy. However, light can interact with substances it hits if there is a frequency match between the substance and the light. The energy the light possesses, and the intensity of the light produced by its source has a profound potential impact on whatever it touches and interacts. The two, frequency and intensity, go together.

NASA explains the different energy frequencies in ways we humans are able to observe the effects, assuming there is an interaction. For example, a radio wave of a certain frequency interacts with a Bluetooth device to send data or a receiver in a radio to produce sound waves. Bluetooth uses short-wavelength UHF radio waves of a frequency range between 2.4 and 2.485 GHz. If there are no waves and no interaction with a receiver, then there is no data transfer. Thus, there is a yin and yang. Waves of light are everywhere but there has to be a receiver that can interact with the specific wavelength(s) being sent, otherwise the signal will either bounce off or pass through and nothing will happen. That is, there is no interaction.

Light as "Electro" Energy

When it comes to light, thus energy, there are two considerations.

The frequency of the light as depicted in Figure 1. Light of short wavelength is higher in energy compared to light of long wavelength.

The intensity or concentration of the light. Thus, a very small amount or concentration of high energy gamma rays may be of little concern to our health whereas high concentrations of low-energy microwaves may be of great concern.

Each of us experience the light energy from the sun daily.

We see things because our eyes have photoreceptors for visible light waves.

We hear things because our ears have photoreceptors for sound waves.

We feel warmth because our skin has photoreceptors for infrared light waves.

Our skin darkens because it has photoreceptors for ultraviolet light waves.

Light IS energy and we have evolved and adapted to interact with many wavelengths of light. Human physiology is complex and we really have adapted to interact with all wavelengths of light emitted by the Sun, and at the intensity at which these different wavelengths of light reach the Earth's surface. Anything different than this, except within modest variations, is unnatural. Thus, one way to look at this is that any light energy that is not equivalent to that of the sun in terms of intensity and frequency could be as unnatural as taking a pharmaceutical drug. Some drugs provide more good than harm while others provide more harm than good.

Some interactions between light and you are less obvious. For example, your skin, your largest organ, interacts with light to convert the cholesterol molecule to vitamin D. Serotonin is also manufactured within your skin by the action of light on your physiology. Melatonin is produced by the lack of light impinging on your eyes but is also manufactured in your mitochondria through the action of infrared light on cytochrome C oxidase. "Cyto" means cell and "chrome" means light thus it means a light absorbing substance. This process will be discussed in detail later in this chapter.

Light is a catalyst for reactions in your body on, most notably, your skin. In some respect, light performs similar function to enzymes. Light, like enzymes, make physiological reactions in your body happen more easily or happen when they otherwise would not go. Another definition of energy is work. Consider this simple experiment. Carry a big bucket of water up a hill. This requires energy on your part. Now pour the water onto the top of a water wheel connected to an electric generator and a light bulb. You, through your work, can convert your energy, which originated from food, which originated from sunlight - back into light energy as the bulb illuminates when the turbine rotates. This is an inefficient process, with some energy being lost with each step you take. Greater efficiency is realized when our bodies turn light directly into energy. It is always best to avoid the middleman.

This leads to three important concepts in the use of and conservation of light-derived energy that drives our internal energy, repair, and recovery reaction in our body. They are:

Exothermic reactions. This type of reaction is like the burning of wood. Energy is released and we see that as light and feel it as heat. The heat we feel comes from two sources: 1. The infrared light released by the fire that hits and interacts with our skin to release energy as heat; 2. The heat from the fire warms the surrounding air and that warmer air heats up our skin through conduction.

Endothermic reactions. This type of reaction requires an input of energy for the reaction to occur. In the case of the water wheel, you had to expend energy to get the water to the top of the wheel. This created "potential energy" that, upon being poured onto the top of the device, released that potential and converted into usable work energy.

Activation barrier. Essentially all energy-producing reactions require a "push." That is, they do not just spontaneously occur. Consider the mixing of gasoline and oxygen, in your car’s engine, for example. The reaction between these two chemicals release a significant amount of energy so this is an exothermic reaction. However, the reaction does not just happen spontaneously. A spark from a spark plug is required for the reaction to move forward. in this way a spark plug is a catalyst for the reaction. Enzymes within your body perform the same function as the spark plug. They are catalysts to initiate critical reactions. Light can act as a catalyst for a reaction and in this respect is like an enzyme. However, light often activates enzyme molecules that can then give biological reactions the needed push to move forward.

In your body, exothermic and endothermic reactions are occurring all the time. Enzymes are making sure they proceed at the right time, right place, with the right specificity, and right frequency. Figure 2 shows the difference between and endothermic and exothermic reaction.

Figure 2. Endothermic reactions absorb heat (energy) and do not occur unless there is a catalyst of some type and input of excess energy to get the reaction going. Carrying water up hill to do work is an example of an endothermic reaction. More energy is expended than is captured. There are always losses. Exothermic reactions release heat (energy) an also require a catalyst of some type to start the reaction. Each form of reaction, endothermic and exothermic have an activation barrier. No reaction in your body occurs spontaneously, thankfully. All these reactions are controlled by your brain to occur when, where, and how they should.

[i], March, 2013.


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