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This 70 biomarker test looks for:
√ Inflammation that impacts microglial (brain immune) cells
√ Infections known to disrupt brain chemistry
√ Gut dysbiosis impacting neurotransmitters
√ Autoimmunity reactions against the brain
√ Oxidative stress
√ Energy hormone status
√ Includes 2 hours of consultation time with a medical expert on lab interpretation and 2 - 30 minute follow appointments with an HRP health coach
Three Interconnecting Pieces to the Brain Health Puzzle:
Identify and eliminate root-causes of brain inflammation and dysregulation
Stop the perpetual inflammation and eliminate toxicity
Map the brain, then rebuild new brain connections and plasticity

Did you know?

Your brain uses 20% of the oxygen and blood in your body
It is 10 times more metabolically active compared to most tissue in your body. Vascular diseases lead to brain disease.

When your brain is 'ill," inflammation perpetuates rather than subsides
Inflammation, once started in the brain, does not easily "shut off" when compared to non-brain tissue like joints or muscle.

Building new brain connections - renewing brain plasticity - is a reality
With advanced brain analysis and brain training methods, new and improved brain function does occur.
The Science Behind Brain Repair and Recovery
Essentially all brain diseases have common threads.
The causes of brain maladies are multi-factorial.
Our program considers all risks and causes of brain diseases
and we prioritize our approach based on the
most likely and prevalent causes
Gut dysbiosis and microbiota alterations
Immunity and chronic infections
Chronic inflammation
Heavy metal toxicity
Metabolic dysfunction
Example of a patient whose Alzheimer's was reversed.
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